Loopvid userscripts for downloading images

Hidden links to originals

Many Korean websites serve lower resolution pics on their pages, while making
the original pics available at separate urls. This is the case for virtually
all tistories, and also for many news sites. The following userscript can be
used to convert those lower res links into links to the original images, which
can then be downloaded with downthemall.
(raw link for adding it to greasemonkey:
https://gitlab.com/loopvid/scripts/raw/master/userscripts/add_hidden_links_to_originals.user.js )

Guide to selecting the original links for download:

Currently, firefox quantum won't let extensions use filenames defined in the
Content-Disposition header, which is what tistory uses, so Download Star won't
know how to name files properly.
See: https://github.com/marklieberman/downloadstar/wiki/Naming-Mask-Expression-Guide

uget guide for tistory:

If a tistory is not included already in the script, you can add it as a user
included page, e.g. http://newtistory.com/*
Guides to adding a user included page:



You can also use http://* to run on all http pages or * to run on all pages.

Redirect downscaled images to originals

For most of the sites supported by the hidden links script described above,
it's possible to be redirected from a lower resolution image into its original
url. The follow script does exactly that, which allows you to open those
downscaled pics in a new tab and have the original pic load up instead.

(raw link for adding it to greasemonkey:
https://gitlab.com/loopvid/scripts/raw/master/userscripts/redirect_image_to_original.user.js )

Rename URL-quoted filenames into hangul

Tistory will often serve filenames that look something like this:
This is just utf-8 hangul that has been quoted for inclusion in the http
headers. The following script renames those files unquoting the hangul.

If you're running windows, you'll need to install python before you can run
this script.

Make sure to install the latest version of Python 3 (and not 2.7). After that,
double clicking the script and telling windows to open it with python should
run it.

A command-line version of the script is also available, if you prefer that.

Saving instagram images and videos by right-clicking

The following script exposes instagram images and videos so you can right click
and use "save as..." normally.
(raw link for adding it to greasemonkey:
https://gitlab.com/loopvid/scripts/raw/master/userscripts/instagram_replace_images_and_videos.user.js )

If you prefer to expose only the images and leave the videos as-is, you can use
this version:
(raw link:
https://gitlab.com/loopvid/scripts/raw/master/userscripts/instagram_replace_images_only.user.js )

Other userscripts that you might find useful can be found at